Consultant – Book Publication
The International Press Centre (IPC) hereby calls for expression of interest by suitably qualified Consultants for the production of a book publication on the harmonized outcome of quarterly media monitoring report on the trend of media coverage of the 2019 electoral process.
The publication shall contain highlights of finding from media monitoring exercise carried out by IPC under component 4b: Support to Media of the European Union Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN) Project.
The main deliverable of the contract shall be the publication of 2000 copies of a reader-friendly 80-100pages book containing summary highlights of ‘trends in media coverage of the 2019 electoral process’, as produced from the media monitoring activity of IPC.
Related to the above shall be all editorial process involved in the publishing process including page layout, graphics design, ISBN registration, printing and related activities.
Expected product;
The expected product from the contract shall be the delivery of 2000 copies of well-printed, well layout and reader friendly copies of the publication, entitled ‘final report: trends in media coverage of the 2019 electoral process by 12 print/online newspapers”.
Contract timeline:
The task of the consultancy is expected to be executed within a period of 2-3 weeks.
Application Deadline:
Interested consultants/publishing vendors are required to send publication quotes to the following email: procurement@ipcng.org on/before Thursday 31st of March 2022.
The final decision of the assessment team/Procurement Committee shall be based on cost effectiveness, proof of past work, capacity for job execution and budget.
Publication’ Assessment Committee, IPC
March 21st, 2022